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Why should you work for Anderselite?

  • Publish Date: Posted about 7 years ago
  • Author: James Kenealey

Why you should work for us!

As someone who has been in recruitment for many years, it is always interesting when you start work with a new organisation to see if they are any different from the rest.

So, in October of 2014, I joined Anderselite as the South West Divisional Manager, with a good deal of enthusiasm but also a degree of trepidation. I needn’t have worried. When I joined, the Bristol Office was due to be moving premises, the company’s software database was being completely changed and as is usual with any change of management, there was always going to be a settling in period.

Now, six months later, we are sat in fantastic premises in Queen Square in Bristol, the new database is up and running and showing considerable benefits and the team here is expanding and moving forward at pace. We have set ourselves an ambitious budget for 2015, but I am confident given the high quality of the staff here and our recruitment plans, that we are more than capable of hitting it.

So, what is different?

Firstly, Anderselite carries a very strong name in the Construction recruitment marketplace. It was at the forefront of the industry in the last decade, and is still regarded by clients to be at the top of the tree when it comes to quality and service.

Secondly, the company has a clear strategy for moving forward, which everybody in the organisation is involved in. So, the office move for Bristol and the new database were not just random events, they had been planned previously, as part of a structured growth for the organisation which has a clear vision and excellent leadership.

Thirdly, investment in technology is a pivotal element of our future growth. Not only, database systems to make our lives easier, but our other fantastic innovative tools give us a real edge over our competitors when it comes to offering our clients a better service.

Finally and most importantly, there is the quality of our staff. I have rarely come across an organisation which carries as much enthusiasm, not only in the Bristol Office, but also in other departments at our six additional offices throughout the country. I would be giving a false impression if I said that everyone is happy all of the time. Life just isn’t like that! But when you consider the pace of growth in the company and marketplace and the amount of positive change happening in the organisation the level of assistance you get from people, and their willingness to provide that assistance is very refreshing.

So, taking all of that into account, I am delighted to be working for Anderselite. I believe we are benefitting from the support of a major American corporation who are giving us the financial backing to grow, whilst allowing us the autonomy to make our own decisions in deciding what is best for us in our individual marketplaces.

If anyone would like to join me and our enthusiastic team here in Bristol, please email direct on phil.brunnen@anderselite.comor call on 0117 922 1441.

Written by Phil Brunnen, Divisional Manager – Bristol